Come si curano le cisti endometriosiche?

Come si curano le cisti endometriosiche?
Il trattamento può essere farmacologico oppure chirurgico, a seconda di quanto grave è la cisti endometriosica presente: in genere, le cisti piccole richiedono la terapia farmacologica, mentre le cisti grandi rendono indispensabile la chirurgia.
Che pillola prendete per endometriosi?
Loette, Microgynon, Miranova, Egogyn): si tratta di pillole contraccettive utili per inibire l'iperproduzione delle gonadotropine, indicate pertanto anche nel trattamento dell'endometriosi.
What are the treatment options for endometriosis?
- Health care providers may suggest one of the hormone treatments described below to treat pain from endometriosis: Oral contraceptives, or birth control pills. These help make your period lighter, more regular, and shorter. Women prescribed contraceptives also report relief from pain.
Can endometriosis symptoms return after treatment?
- It is also important to note that not all treatments work well for all women with endometriosis. Similarly, there is always the chance that the endometriosis symptoms may return after the treatment is stopped or, in the case of surgery, as more time passes since the procedure.
Is endometriosis still a problem in low-income countries?
- Access to early diagnosis and effective treatment of endometriosis is important, but is limited in many settings, including in low- and middle-income countries. There is a need for more research and awareness raising around the world to ensure effective prevention, early diagnosis, and improved management of the disease (2,5).
Can acupuncture help endometriosis pain?
- Acupuncture involves the insertion of small needles in the skin to treat pain and other health problems. A 2017 review of studies published in PLoS One found that acupuncture may help ease pelvic and abdomen pain and shrink lesion size in women with endometriosis.