What limelight means?


What limelight means?

What limelight means?

1a : a stage lighting instrument producing illumination by means of an oxyhydrogen flame directed on a cylinder of lime and usually equipped with a lens to concentrate the light in a beam. b : the white light produced by such an instrument. c British : spotlight.

Why is it called limelight?

The origins of “in the limelight,” which refers to being the focus of public attention, are linked to a type of stage lighting that was popular in the 19th century. ... When Gurney heated calcium oxide in the flame it produced an intense white light, dubbed limelight.

How do you use limelight in a sentence?


  1. She claims she never sought the limelight.
  2. I hated the limelight and found it unbearable.
  3. Tad loves being in the limelight.
  4. Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.
  5. She likes being in the limelight.
  6. She's always trying to grab the limelight.

What is character limelight?

A secondary or Ensemble character gets the primary focus for an episode in an atypical fashion. ... Sometimes the limelight is given to a guest character of note, often a character so outrageous that he/she upstages the regulars, or a nobody with a touching, moving story.

What is the difference between limelight and spotlight?

When used as a noun, "limelight" and "spotlight" are interchangeable. ... The big difference is that English speakers use "spotlight" as both a noun and a verb. "Limelight" is only used as a noun.

What is the company limelight?

About Limelight Limelight Networks is a premier content delivery network (CDN) service provider that enables organizations to deliver faster websites, more responsive applications, the highest quality video, and consistent game and software downloads to any device.

What are why don't we fans called?

A Limelight is the term used to describe a fan of Why Don't We. Limelights is the official fandom name. Fans named themselves with the hashtag #WeAreLimelights and the name stuck. ... The band also introduced "limelight", a special backstage meet and greet for fans.

What is the synonym of limelight?

the focus of attention, public attention, public notice, public interest, the public eye, media attention, media interest. public recognition, publicity, the glare of publicity, prominence, exposure, hype, glare, the spotlight. fame, renown, celebrity, stardom, notability, eminence.

What does under the spotlight mean?

If someone or something comes under the spotlight, they are thoroughly examined, especially by journalists and the public.

When was the spotlight invented?

The first theatrical spotlight was the limelight (q.v.), which gave way to such light sources as the arc, electric discharge, and incandescent lamp. The practical lensed spotlight was developed in 1879 by Louis Hartmann of the United States.

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