What is the history of the pantheon of Agrippa?

What is the history of the pantheon of Agrippa?
- A little history of the Pantheon of Agrippa. The Pantheon of Agrippa, also known as the Pantheon of Rome, is one of the masterpieces of architecture present in the Italian capital as well as being the best preserved building of ancient Rome. The construction of the Pantheon was done in the time of Hadrian, in 126 AD.
Che stratagemma hanno utilizzato i Romani per costruire l'enorme cupola?
I Romani non conoscendo il cemento armato usarono uno stratagemma. Questa cupola è stata realizzata, infatti, con una colata unica di calcestruzzo a strati successivi. Il calcestruzzo venne alleggerito miscelandovi pietre sempre meno pesanti in prossimità del punto più alto.
Why is it called the Church of Agrippa?
- It receives the name of Agrippa for having been built where previously, in the year 27 AD, was the Pantheon of Agrippa destroyed by a fire in 80 AD. During the beginnings of the 7th century the building was donated to Pope Boniface IV who transformed it into a church preserving for it to this day in perfect condition.
Who built the Pantheon in Rome?
- Built by Agrippa between 25 and 27 BC the Pantheon was a temple dedicated to the twelve Gods and to the living Sovran. Traditionally it is believed that the present building is result of the radical reconstruction by Hadrian between 1 AD. It is the only ancient Roman building that has remained practically intact through the centuries.
What building did Agrippa finish the construction of?
- Agrippa finished the construction of the building called the Pantheon. It has this name, perhaps because it received among the images which decorated it the statues of many gods, including Mars and Venus; but my own opinion of the name is that, because of its vaulted roof, it resembles the heavens.