Come si riconosce il marmo?

Come si riconosce il marmo?
Il modo migliore per distinguere il marmo dal granito è sicuramente quello visivo. Il marmo è una roccia metamorfica, in pratica è nata con un processo di trasformazione dato dalla temperatura e dalla pressione, quindi alla nostra vista appare come una superficie omogenea, con bellissime venature da sottili a medie.
Why visit the Carrara marble quarries?
- When one visits the Carrara marble quarries, the appreciation for the work and workers that contribute to each stage of the journey, from the mountain to the finished product, can be fully understood. In the Carrara marble basin, there are three areas designated to quarries, they are the known as the Torano, Colonnata and Fantiscritti quarries.
What makes the Cava Museo in Fantiscritti unique?
- Cava Museo in Fantiscritti is set in the heart of marble quarries in Carrara and it has been created by Walter Danesi, after 40 years of researches. The Museum is situated in a scenic landscape surronded by the white Marble that makes unique this place full of history and full of men’s sacrifice.
How to get to Fantiscritti caves?
- From the city of Carrara, follow the signs to the "cave" until you reach the Fantiscritti caves. There is a small museum there worth seeing. The restaurant, Ristorante il Poggio, has an annex where you can sign up for the tour if you've come in the off season without a reservation.
Why was Carrara important to the Roman Empire?
- The Romans took possession of Carrara and its surroundings (once named Luni) and the Alps in 180 BC, after winning the territory from a Celtic population that had settled in the area. Carrara marble supplied the Roman Empire for the construction of many famous monuments that tourists admire today.