Quale gin per il Gin Tonic?

Quale gin per il Gin Tonic?
Se volete gustare un gin tonic in cui i sentori di ginepro sono molto marcati, vi consigliamo il Bombay Original London Dry Gin (“fratello” del più famoso Bombay Sapphire) o il Sipsmith London Dry Gin (che alle note di ginepro aggiunge un finale agrumato).
Come condire un Gin Tonic?
Le più comuni e sfruttate spezie per Gin Tonic sono ad esempio: pepe rosa, cardamomo, cannella, chiodi di garofano, anice stellato, vaniglia, zenzero e il classico ginepro. È però possibile anche guarnire in alternativa con basilico, frutti di bosco, pompelmo, cetriolo o rosmarino.
Quanti gradi ha un Gin Tonic?
17° La gradazione alcolica di un Gin Tonic è di circa 17°. Guarda anche SPRITZ la ricetta.
Quale gin regalare?
Classifica dei migliori Gin
- 8) Bombay Sapphire London Dry Gin.
- 7) Ginepraio – 500 ml.
- 6) Chase Distillery Williams Elegant 48 Gin.
- 5) Z44 Gin Roner.
- 4) Gin primo al sale di Romagna.
- 3) Hendrick'S Gin ml 700.
- 2) Gin Monkey 47 500 ml.
- 1) GIN MARE MEDITERRANEAN GIN | 42,7 % vol. | 700 ml.
What is the best way to make a gin and tonic?
- Directions. Place the ice cubes in a tall, narrow glass with the ice coming near the top. Pour gin, tonic water, and lime juice over the ice. Stir well with a long-necked spoon. Garnish with lime wedge, and serve immediately. Watch a professional bartender shake some gin and juice. Watch a professional bartender make a traditional absinthe...
What is the best tonic to use in a gin and tonic?
- The best gin and tonic is made with a good gin, especially those with a slight citrus flavor and a great blend of botanicals. Bombay Sapphire and Tanqueray are two brands that will always be G&T favorites.
How many units in a gin and tonic?
- Gin usually has a 37.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) percentage, so in one 25ml measure, there is 0.9 units. ABV is calculated by how much ethanol (pure alcohol) is present in 100ml of any given drink, and is used worldwide. Obviously, if you prefer your tipple on the strong side, a double gin and tonic is 1.8 units.
What garnish goes with gin and tonic?
- Though there’s much debate on which garnish goes best with a gin and tonic – with lemon, lime, and cucumber ranking as three of the most popular choices – we’re in the midst of an infatuation with our little green citrusy friend.