Come si fa a capire se hai la sindrome di Asperger?

Come si fa a capire se hai la sindrome di Asperger?
Difficoltà nel condurre una conversazione; Difficoltà nel “codificare” il linguaggio non verbale (espressioni facciali, movimento del corpo, prossemica, ovvero l'uso e la gestione dello spazio, ecc.); Difficoltà nel coordinare i movimenti; Tendenza a sviluppare ansia e depressione.
Come comportarsi con i bambini con Sindrome di Asperger?
Autismo: 16 consigli per le persone con un' amica/o Asperger
- 1) Non alleggerire o ingrandire le parole. ...
- 2) Non forzare il contatto oculare. ...
- 3) Evitare il contatto fisico non consentito. ...
- 4) Rispondere ai messaggi. ...
- 5) Non dire di fare piu' sforzi. ...
- 6) Dare la giusta considerazione al tuo amico/a autistico/a. ...
- 7) Incoraggiare.
How do I know if my child has Asperger's?
- Take the online Asperger’s Test. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken this test since its creation and it has proved to be an effective screening mechanism in the diagnosis of AS. It can be used by adults, including parents taking the test on behalf of their children.
What is the age range for the Asperger's test?
- COMPUTER ADAPTIVE ASPERGER'S TEST FOR ADULTS (16+ YEARS) IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This checklist based Asperger's Test for Adults has been developed keeping in mind the evaluation criteria set by Autism Research Center and should be used only for indicative purposes. The outcome of this test is purely suggestive and must not be,...
Is there an online test for Aspergers Syndrome?
- There are a variety of different tests that you can find and complete online. These tests can give an indication of whether or not a person may have ASD, but keep in mind that only a professional examination and thorough testing can give a true and accurate diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome.
Is Asperger's a disorder?
- Traditionally Asperger Syndrome had been a unique diagnosis of neurodevelopment disorders. This became grouped under the category of autism spectrum disorders as part of the Diagnostic and Statistical manual. What are the symptoms of autism?