Come ottenere l'email istituzionale Unisa?


Come ottenere l'email istituzionale Unisa?

Come ottenere l'email istituzionale Unisa?

Come accedo alla casella di posta elettronica? L'accesso alla casella di posta elettronica può essere eseguito attraverso il servizio webmail di Google all'indirizzo Il nome utente deve essere inserito nella forma

Come richiedere il QR code Unisa?

Gli studenti attualmente iscritti sono invitati a richiedere il QR-code permanente compilando il FORM online disponibile al link:

Come generare QR Code Unisa?

  1. Spazi di Ateneo.
  2. Teatro di Ateneo.
  3. Occupazione Giornaliera Aule.

Why choose the University of Salerno?

  • The University of Salerno (“UNISA”)is ideally linked to the oldest academic institution in the Old Continent: the Schola Medica Salernitana. Founded in the eighth century AD, the School reached its peak between the 10th and 13th century.

When was the Salerno School of Medicine founded?

  • Founded in the eighth century AD, the School reached its peak between the 10th and 13th century. In addition to medicine, its lectures included philosophy, theology and law. The School, which earned Salerno the title of Hippocratica Civitas (City of Hippocrates) after Murat’s Napoleonic government.

When was the Faculty of Arts established in Salerno?

  • This became state-owned in 1968, changing its name into Facoltà di Magistero dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno. Within a few years, the Faculty was joined by many others, which contributed to the formation of a major university. The Faculty of Arts was established in 1969.

What is Schola Medica Salernitana?

  • Salerno's Schola Medica Salernitana was the most important medical school in Europe between the 10th and 13th centuries. Following the rise of university medical schools, it briefly merged with the University of Naples, which moved to Salerno from 12 before returning to Naples and establishing its own medical school there.

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