Come bloccare una SIM Vodafone aziendale?


Come bloccare una SIM Vodafone aziendale?

Come bloccare una SIM Vodafone aziendale?

Se, invece, sei un utente business, puoi bloccare la tua SIM Vodafone rubata o smarrita contattando il servizio clienti del gestore chiamando i numeri 42323 (da cellulare Vodafone), 800 22 77 55 (da rete fissa) oppure + 23 23 (dall'estero).

Cosa vuol dire senza SIM lock?

L'espressione SIM lock fa riferimento al blocco imposto a un cellulare e che gli impedisce di funzionare con qualsiasi altra SIM differente da quella installata al momento dell'acquisto e consegnata al consumatore insieme al telefono al momento della sottoscrizione di una delle offerte telefonia mobile.

How to block Vodafone SIM card?

  • Block Vodafone SIM Card: If you are worried about the SIM card of your phone, or if your phone is not authorised by Vodafone but the SIM card is, then you can still block SIM card by calling Vodafone support number.

Does Vodafone know the IMEI number of my phone?

  • As the phone is in their network, the company knows about the IMEI number. Block Vodafone SIM Card: If you are worried about the SIM card of your phone, or if your phone is not authorised by Vodafone but the SIM card is, then you can still block SIM card by calling Vodafone support number.

How long does it take for Vodafone to block IMEI?

  • The whole IMEI blocking process may take approximately 24 hours. If someone decides to make a call from your IMEI blocked phone, then a “call barring” message will be heard. Note that Vodafone will not be able to reimburse or compensate you if the device is lost or stolen.

Why do I have to lock my phone with valuevodafone?

  • Vodafone assumes that you are blocking the device because it’s stolen — not lost. A stolen phone is less likely to be found, which is why you want to make sure it’s locked permanently. Doing this will render the phone completely useless.

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