Che cosa vuol dire si librava?

Che cosa vuol dire si librava?
librarsi, equilibrarsi, tenersi in equilibrio: la danzatrice si librò sulle punte dei piedi; quindi, compiere movimenti ondeggianti per mantenere l'equilibrio: l'aquilone si librava a grande altezza; o essere sospeso in aria, volando: librarsi a (o in) volo, in aria; il messaggier celeste ... si librò sull'adeguate ...
Cosa significa lussureggianti fiori?
- 1. [di pianta, vegetazione e sim., che è in vigoroso sviluppo: alberi l.] ≈ fiorente, florido, rigoglioso, verdeggiante.
Che vuol dire libra in italiano?
1 (Astr) Bilancia f. 2 (person) Bilancia f., persona f. nata sotto il segno della Bilancia.
What does evanescent mean in English?
- English Language Learners Definition of evanescent. formal + literary : lasting a very short time. See the full definition for evanescent in the English Language Learners Dictionary.
What is an evanescent support?
- But that support was evanescent; it's already back below 50%, and probably still falling. They are imagined as disembodied spirits, and are often visualized as vague or evanescent forms; hence, the white sheet routine. When he does, for short walks on moonless nights or for the occasional meal, these evanescent periods of freedom are thrilling.
Does Evanescence have a YouTube channel?
- Two-time GRAMMY® Award-winning Evanescence has made an impact on ... Welcome to the Official YouTube channel of Evanescence. Subscribe to see the latest videos! Two-time GRAMMY® Award-winning Evanescence has made an impact on people around the world.
What is the difference between evanescent and impermanent?
- evanescent - tending to vanish like vapor; "evanescent beauty". impermanent, temporary - not permanent; not lasting; "politics is an impermanent factor of life"- James Thurber; "impermanent palm cottages"; "a temperary arrangement"; "temporary housing".