What does 1st centile mean?


What does 1st centile mean?

What does 1st centile mean?

If another child is on the 1st centile, he is shorter than 99% of children his age. If another child is on the 91st centile, she is taller than 91% of children her age.

What does 98th centile mean?

A BMI above the 91st centile suggests overweight. A BMI above the 98th centile is very overweight (clinically obese). BMI below the 2nd centile may suggest a small build or may be indicative of undernutrition [2, 3].

What is centile on growth chart?

The lines on the growth chart are called centiles (or percentiles) and show the expected pattern of growth. The numbers refer to the percentage of babies at or lower than the line, for example, a baby whose weight is on the 50th centile means that 50% of babies the same age as her are the same weight or less.

What is meant by 10th centile?

The lines of growth on the graph are called centiles (or percentiles), and the number of a centile predicts the percentage of children who are below that measurement at a given age; for example, the 10th centile means that 10% of the age- and sex-matched population will be smaller and 90% will be bigger. ...

What are the Centiles in pregnancy?

The curved lines on your baby's growth charts are called centile lines, and they represent the range of growth that's considered normal. They also show what percentage of babies, on average, will grow at a particular rate.

What centile is underweight?

underweight – on the 2nd centile or below. healthy weight – between the 2nd and 91st centiles. overweight – 91st centile or above. very overweight – 98th centile or above.

What is the 90th centile?

A Large for gestational age baby (LGA) is a baby that is measuring on or above the 90th centile on your GROW chart within your antenatal records. This means the baby exceeds the expected weight for its gestational age (weeks pregnant). Approximately 5-8 out of 100 (5-8%) of all babies born are identified as LGA.

What does centile mean in BMI?

The BMI centile is a simple and reliable indicator of thinness and fatness in childhood. Where severe over- or underweight is a concern, or where there is a need for monitoring over time, BMI can be calculated and plotted on this chart.

How tall is a 95th percentile male?

6 feet, 2 inches In this database, a 95th percentile male is 6 feet, 2 inches (188 cm) and 246 pounds (111.58 kg); a 5th percentile female is 4 feet, 11 inches (150 cm) and 113 pounds (51.26 kg).

What is the 99th percentile for height?

Selected Height Percentiles for Men and Women
PercentileMale HeightFemale Height

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