Come registrarsi in my Area C Milano?


Come registrarsi in my Area C Milano?

Come registrarsi in my Area C Milano?

Per la registrazione rivolgiti allo Sportello Area C E' necessario prenotare l'accesso allo sportello tramite: l'app di ATM - sezione ATM POINT – Duomo 2 Infopoint Area B/C. il “Totem touch” all'interno dell'Infopoint.

Quali veicoli possono circolare in Area C?

Autoveicoli per trasporto cose

  • Euro 0 benzina.
  • Euro 0 diesel senza FAP.
  • Euro 1, 2, 3, 4 diesel leggeri senza FAP.
  • Euro 1, 2, 3, 4 diesel pesanti senza FAP.
  • Euro 0, 1, 2, 3 diesel leggeri con FAP after-market con classe massa particolato inferiore a Euro 4.

Come pagare AreaC dopo 7 giorni?

Se ti sei dimenticato di pagare l'accesso fatto in AreaC entro le h. 24 del giorno successivo puoi regolarizzare l'accesso ed effettuare il pagamento entro 7 giorni dall'ingresso acquistando e attivando un ticket da 15 €.

Come pagare ticket differito AreaC?

Sul portale web del comune (, l'automobilista può controllare gli accessi, regolarizzare i tagliandi ordinari ed effettuare il pagamento differito entro i 7 giorni.

What is areac in Milan?

  • It is a restricted area of the historical center of Milan where it is possible to drive a vehicle upon payment. Whith are the borders of the Congestion Charge Zone? On Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays: AreaC is not active. Free admission for electric and hybrid cars and for vehicles used by disabled people with European disabled person permit.

What is the new myareac personal area?

  • The new MyAreaC personal area allows those who register to check all accesses, activate benefits, purchase and activate tickets and regularize a journey made in the past 7 days through payment and activation of the € 15.00 ticket. How to register?

What is Area C?

  • What is Area C? It is a restricted area of the historical center of Milan where it is possible to drive a vehicle upon payment. Whith are the borders of the Congestion Charge Zone?

What do the Milan Area C traffic lights mean?

  • Vehicles entering Milan Area C during the day. in light blue: during average working day except Thursdays; in dark blue: during average Thursday (Area C charge limited to 6 pm); in red: during a working day with Area C not operational (due to a strike); in green: average during Area C (including Thursdays).

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