Come si dice possessività?
Come si dice possessività?
possessività s. f. [der. di possessivo]. - [caratteristica di chi si mostra possessivo nei confronti di una persona amata, o nell'ambito dei rapporti umani in genere] ≈ esclusività. ‖ gelosia.
Come si comportano le persone possessive?
Le persone possessive non hanno sviluppato la loro intelligenza emotiva. Di conseguenza, quando qualcuno non fa le cose a modo loro, tendono ad infastidirsi, frustrasi o si arrabbiano. Spesso esprimono quelle emozioni senza alcun ritegno, recriminando e incolpando l'altro.
What is the dictionary definition of possessive?
- 1. to have as one's property; own. 2. to have as a quality, faculty, characteristic, etc: to possess good eyesight. 3. to have knowledge or mastery of: to possess a little French.
What does it mean to possess something?
- 1. to have as belonging to one; have as property; own. 2. to have as a faculty, quality, or the like: possess intelligence. 3. (of a spirit, esp. an evil one) to occupy or control (a person) from within: be possessed by demons.
What is the difference between possess and exhibit?
- possess - have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East". feature, have - have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France". exhibit - show an attribute, property, knowledge, or skill; "he exhibits a great talent".
What is the legal definition of possession?
- LawTo have under one's power or control: possess illegal drugs. 2. a. To have as a quality, characteristic, or other attribute: possesses great tact. b. To have mastery or knowledge of: possess a knowledge of Sanskrit; possess valuable information. 3. a. To gain control or power over. Used of a demon or spirit.