Come fare un percorso detox?

Come fare un percorso detox?
Ogni giorno bevi inoltre almeno 3 litri di liquidi, di cui almeno 1 di tisana fredda zenzero e limone 1° giorno
- Colazione - Tè verde - 2 gallette di mais - 3 cucchiaini di marmellata non zuccherata di limone o arancia amara.
- Spuntino - 1 ciotola di frutti di bosco.
- Pranzo - 150 g di insalata belga - 80 g di riso integrale.
What is a full body detox program?
- Our full body detox program is designed for those looking to completely detox the body from toxins and literally reset every organ in your body. Today you can find hundreds of different detox protocols. Some focus on the colon, some on losing weight, and others on the liver.
How do I complete the 3 phase detox program?
- Each organ specific detox can be completed by itself, but if you want to completely detox the body from toxins and literally reset every organ in your body, we recommend following the entire 3 phase detox program by starting with Detox 1 ( the colon detox) and ending with Detox 5 ( the blood detox ).
What are the different types of detox?
- Today you can find hundreds of different detox protocols. Some focus on the colon, some on losing weight, and others on the liver. Although all will have some benefit, none will have an impact on your overall health as a full body, organ-focused detox.
What will I find in the pages ahead of the detox?
- In the pages ahead, you will find detailed instructions, charts, tips, required herbs and foods, and much more. Don’t miss the special audio and video files from Jon Barron on each detox, who explains the process of each step and how this detox removes toxins, heals, soothes, and rebuilds your body.