Quale supplica fa Pia a Dante?


Quale supplica fa Pia a Dante?

Quale supplica fa Pia a Dante?

Ora costui [Dante], che dal profondo dell'Inferno fino a qui ha visto la condizione tutte le anime dopo la morte, supplica che tu gli conceda, per tua grazia, quella virtù sufficiente perché possa sollevarsi più in alto, verso l'ultima salvezza [guardare Dio].

Dove è nata Pia de Tolomei?

Siena, Italia Pia de' Tolomei/Luogo di nascita

What kind of painting is Pia de' Tolomei?

  • Pia de' Tolomei is an oil painting on canvas by English artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painted around 1868 and currently housed at the Spencer Museum of Art, on the campus of the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pia de' Tolomei.

Where is Rossetti's Pia de' Tolomei?

  • Pia de' Tolomei is an oil painting on canvas by English artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painted around 1868 and currently housed at the Spencer Museum of Art, on the campus of the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas.

Who is la Pia in Dante's Inferno?

  • La Pia's tale follows the violent stories of Buonconte da Montefeltro and Jacopo del Cassero where she briefly says: Please remember me, who am La Pia. Siena made me, in Maremma I was undone. first gave the ring that held his stone. Pia tells Dante that she came from Siena and implies that her husband killed her in Maremma.

Why does Pia ask Dante to pray for her?

  • Pia tells Dante that she came from Siena and implies that her husband killed her in Maremma. She also asks Dante, once he has rested from his journey, to remember her in his prayers when he returns to Earth (because prayers can shorten her time in Purgatory) since she knows no one else on Earth will pray for her.

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