Cosa significa Madeline?

Cosa significa Madeline?
Variante inglese e francese dell'italiano Maddalena, il nome deriva dal greco biblico "Magdalene" e significa "abitante di Magdala", città a nord di Tiberiade.
Qual è l'origine della Madeleine?
Francia Madeleine/Origini
In che modo Proust definiva la memoria involontaria?
2. Memoria involontaria: è quella che consente la restituzione del ricordo completo del suo valore soggettivo e quindi emotivo. Essa agisce su sollecitazione sensoriale. In queste “epifanie” improvvise emergono delle verità nascoste ed il passato torna intatto.
What does the name Madelaine mean?
- Madelaine as a girls' name has its root in Hebrew, and the meaning of the name Madelaine is "woman from Magdala ". Madelaine is an alternate spelling of Madeline (Hebrew): form of Madeleine. STARTS/ENDS WITH Mad-, -aine.
What is the origin of the word 'Madeleine'?
- The name Madeleine is a girl's name of French origin meaning "woman from Magdala or high tower". Madeleine is the French spelling preferred by parents who like to put the proper point on things, though the one used by the little girl who lives in the old house in Paris all covered in vines is Madeline.
What does Madeline mean in Hebrew?
- Hebrew Meaning: The name Madeleine is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Madeleine is: From the tower.
What is your Madeleine?
- The madeleine (French pronunciation: [mad.lɛn], English: /ˈmædleɪn/ or /ˌmædlˈeɪn/) or petite madeleine ([pə.tit mad.lɛn]) is a traditional small cake from Commercy and Liverdun, two communes of the Lorraine region in northeastern France.