Quali sono le province di Cuba?


Quali sono le province di Cuba?

Quali sono le province di Cuba?

ProvinciaCapoluogoSuperficie (km2)
Pinar del RíoPinar del Río8 885
Sancti SpíritusSancti Spíritus6 737
Santiago di CubaSantiago di Cuba6 156
Villa ClaraSanta Clara8 412

Quanti abitante ci sono a Cuba?

Cuba Stato insulare dell'America Centrale; comprende l'isola omonima (105.007 km2), la Isla de la Juventud (2411 km2) e circa 1600 isole e isolotti, tra cui l'arcipelago di Camagüey e quello dei Canarreos.

What are the major cities in Cuba?

  • Wikimedia list article. Map of Cuba. Havana, Capital of Cuba. Santiago de Cuba. Camagüey. Holguín. Santa Clara. Guantánamo. This article shows a list of cities in Cuba .

Where is the Cuban archipelago?

  • The Cuban archipelago is located in the most occidental part of the insular Caribbean. Groups the island of Cuba, the island of La Juventud and more of four thousand islets and keys. The territory emerged is one of 111 thousand km².

What is the geography of Cuba?

  • The Cuban archipelago is located in the most occidental part of the insular Caribbean. Groups the island of Cuba, the island of La Juventud and more of four thousand islets and keys. The territory emerged is one of 111 thousand km². The geography of Cuba, with 6 thousand km of shores, houses numerous inlets, bays and beaches.

How big is Cuba Travel portal?

  • It has an area of ​​109 884.01 square kilometers. Since July, the Cuban tourism portal CubaTravel makes available for travelers that desire to travel to our tourist destination the possibility of purchasing the Travel Insurance provided by Seguros Internacionales de Cuba.

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