Come si effettua un pagamento con Postepay online?


Come si effettua un pagamento con Postepay online?

Come si effettua un pagamento con Postepay online?

Per pagare online con Postepay è necessario registrare la carta prepagata sul sito web compilando l'apposito form online. Si devono inserire le proprie generalità (nome, cognome, data e luogo di nascita, indirizzo, codice fiscale) e scegliere la password da associare al proprio account.

Quanto costa al mese la Postepay?

Principali condizioni economiche
Costo di emissione5,00 euro + 15,00 di ricarica minima sulla carta
Canone annuo12,00 euro
Plafond carta30.000,00 euro
Importo massimo di ricaricaNei limiti del plafond Massimo 100.000,00 euro ricaricati sul totale delle carte Postepay Evolution intestate allo stesso Titolare

How do I make a payment with a Postepay card?

  • To make a payment with a Postepay card: On the payment page, the shopper selects the Postepay payment method. The shopper is redirected to the Postepay website. The shopper enters their Postepay card details to complete the payment. At the end of the shopper journey, the shopper may return on the successURL.

Why should I use Postepay?

  • So that you can focus on generating revenue while offering the latest payment trends and features. Postepay is a prepaid card service that is co-branded with VISA or MasterCard and is operated by "Poste Italiane" in Italy. Postepay cards are accepted wherever VISA and MasterCard are supported.

Where are postpostepay cards accepted?

  • Postepay cards are accepted wherever Visa Electron and MasterCard are supported. When a shopper makes a payment, funds are immediately deducted from the card.

When a shopper makes a payment on a Postepay card?

  • When a shopper makes a payment, funds are immediately deducted from the card. For integration advice, please visit Worldpay developers. A shopper does not need a bank account to have a Postepay card.

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