Cosa insegna lo Stoicismo?

Cosa insegna lo Stoicismo?
L'intento degli stoici consiste nel costruire un sistema in cui a partire da alcuni «ragionamenti indimostrabili» vengano ricavati tutti quelli «conclusivi», in cui cioè la verità delle premesse assicuri la verità della conclusione.
Perché si chiama Stoicismo?
stoicismo Nella storia del pensiero antico, la dottrina e la tradizione che si collega a Zenone di Cizio e alla sua scuola, così chiamata perché Zenone e i suoi successori usavano adunarsi nella Stoà Poikìle.
What did the Stoics believe in?
- Stoics did not believe in an incarnate force of evil. Instead, Stoics believed that all people were imperfect except for the perfectly wise. Therefore, every person had the possibility to commit wicked acts.
Can a Christian be a stoic?
- So...can a Christian be a Stoic? Easy answer: yes. As far as I am concerned, a Stoic can be whatever else they want to be, and the same applies to a Christian or a religious person. I see no reason why should one cancel the other, when in many instances Stoicism and Christianity (and other religions) overlap with each other.
What does Stoicism teach us?
- Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason (logos).
What is a stoic personality?
- A Stoic Personality is a personality that events do not matter, and that only our reactions to events matter. Most people when late for work because of a traffic accident, then shouted at by their boss will think, “This is a terrible day.