Come curare il varicocele in modo naturale?

Come curare il varicocele in modo naturale?
Un rimedio naturale in grado di mobilitare la circolazione è costituito dai bagni ai genitali, da effettuare con acqua fresca. In particolare le docce e i bagni ai genitali risultano più efficaci quando si concentra l'azione dell'acqua sulle zone inguinali, piuttosto che direttamente sulle parti infiammate.
Chi è operato al varicocele può avere figli?
Occorre precisare, però, come circa il 50% dei pazienti sottoposti a varicocelectomia sono in grado di concepire entro un anno dall'intervento. Per valutare i risultati viene effettuata un'analisi del liquido spermatico dopo 3 e 6 mesi dall'intervento.
What are varicoceles and how are they treated?
- Varicoceles are similar to varicose veins, a common condition that causes veins in the leg to swell and lose their shape. Varicoceles are usually painless but can sometimes cause aching testicles or pain that may come and go. In some people, a varicocele can affect fertility. If a varicocele doesn’t bother you, you may not need treatment.
What is a varicocele and how does it affect fertility?
- A varicocele is an abnormal dilation of varicose veins that drain the testicle, and it can be associated with a progressive decline in testicular sperm and testosterone production. Varicoceles are the most common identifiable cause of male infertility worldwide.
Can a varicocele cause low testosterone?
- Low Testosterone Doctors believe a varicocele can cause low testosterone in some men. Testosterone is the primary male hormone produced in the testicles. When the testicles do not produce enough testosterone, men can experience a number of symptoms. Varicocele symptoms caused by low testosterone production are numerous and include:
What does a varicocele look like on a man?
- With time, varicoceles might enlarge and become more noticeable. A varicocele has been described as looking like a "bag of worms.". The condition might cause a swollen testicle, almost always on the left side. Because a varicocele usually causes no symptoms, it often requires no treatment.