What is Hardwere and Softwere?


What is Hardwere and Softwere?

What is Hardwere and Softwere?

Updated: 20 by Computer Hope. Computer hardware is any physical device used in or with your machine, whereas software is a collection of programming code installed on your computer's hard drive. In other words, hardware is a product you can hold in your hand, whereas software cannot be held in your hand.

What is hardware write example?

Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer. ... These are the primary electronic devices used to build up the computer. Examples of hardware in a computer are the Processor, Memory Devices, Monitor, Printer, Keyboard, Mouse, and the Central Processing Unit.

What exactly is hardware?

Quite simply, computer hardware is the physical components that a computer system requires to function. It encompasses everything with a circuit board that operates within a PC or laptop; including the motherboard, graphics card, CPU (Central Processing Unit), ventilation fans, webcam, power supply, and so on.

What are the 5 types of hardware?

There are five main hardware components in a computer system: Input, Processing, Storage, Output and Communication devices.

What is software used for?

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device.

What are software examples?

Computer Software Examples

  • Operating systems (such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS)
  • Productivity Software (for example, Microsoft Office Suite including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
  • Internet Browsers (including Firefox, Chrome, and Safari)

What is hardware give answer?

Hardware refers to the machinery and to the various components and equipment of the computer system. It refers to all the physical devices of the computer system. For example, monitor, keyboard etc.

What is hardware give two examples?

For example, hardware components such as motherboard, RAM and CPU are internal. Other examples of hardware include output devices such as printer and monitor. Input devices such as the keyboard and mouse. Also, secondary storage devices such as CD, DVD, hard disk, etc.

Does hardware mean Trophy?

Slang. medals or trophies: The Olympic athletes posed iconically with their new hardware fanned across their chests, or playfully pretended to bite their gold medals.

What is software and example?

Software is the programs and routines for a computer or the program material for an electronic device which make it run. An example of software is Excel or Windows or iTunes.

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