Come va la Benelli 752S?


Come va la Benelli 752S?

Come va la Benelli 752S?

Come va. La Benelli 752S si dimostra subito abitabile anche con chi supera il metro e 80. Non è una moto piccola e si rivela abbastanza accogliente anche col passeggero, che ha una sella finalmente degna di questo nome. Pesa più delle rivali dirette, lo si avverte in manovra in parcheggio.

Quanto costa la Benelli 752S?

Benelli 752SPREZZOCV/kW
Vedi le versioni precedenti fuori listino di Benelli 752S

What is the price of Benelli 752 s in India?

  • The price of Benelli 752 S is expected to be Rs. 6 Lakh*. What is the estimated launch date of Benelli 752 S? What is the engine displacement of Benelli 752 S?

Are there any Benelli bikes in Australia?

  • We had a long term Leoncino and have reviewed all of the Benelli models that have come to Australia from the QJ factory. Prior to that, with Rapid Bikes, we tested all the models back to the Tornado 900. I clearly remember a period, well over a decade ago, when every Benelli press bike we had went back in a trailer, broken down.

Is the sv650x closer to the Benelli 752s?

  • Only the MT-07HO and SV650X are similar but are much lighter, with 75hp and 179kg… and 75hp and 198kg ready to ride. Perhaps the LAMS approved XSR700 is closer. With most of the category less expensive than the 752S, and the 752S not LAMS approved, I could not help but think that this may not be the winner that Benelli fans were all hoping for…

What is the top speed of a Benelli Sei?

  • Despite a porky weight of 255kg wet, the Sei had an impressive top speed of over 200km/h. However, the mighty Z1 had hit the roads that same year and was lighter, faster, more powerful and cheaper! The Benelli 752S has an LED headlight and Marocchi 50mm usd forks.

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