Come va in americano slang?

Come va in americano slang?
What's up è il modo americano per dire “come va?” “Che si dice?” “Come te la passi” e via dicendo.
Come si dice in americano come stai?
L'espressione più classica per chiedere “come stai?” in inglese è certamente How are you? Tuttavia, spesso questa frase viene utilizzata più come un saluto che per chiedere davvero come sta la persona.
Come dire ciao in americano?
Hello!, Hi!
Cosa vuol dire arrivare in seconda base?
Second base / 2° = Il tocco o i baci dei seni o altri parti del corpo sopra il girovita.
What is the definition of Dude?
- Definition of dude. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : dandy. 2 : a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range (see range entry 1 sense 3b) especially : an Easterner in the West. 3 informal : fellow, guy The other girls in the program never go out, so I always find myself out with dudes from my program.
What does duded up mean?
- Slang (an expression of shock, approval, sympathy, or other strong feeling): Dude! That's one expensive sandwich! Verb Phrases past and past participle dud·ed up,present participle dud·ing up. dude up, Slang. to dress in one's fanciest, best, or most stylish clothes; dress up: He got all duded up to go to the dance.
What is Suh Dude?
- Suh dude is a very unique way of saying "what's up dude?". It can also be pronounced " asuh dude ". People often add a laughter before saying " suh dude " so it will be like, "ahahaha SUH DUDE " and the other person will slightly squint their eyes and reply "aha suh dude".
What is the meaning of OK Dudes?
- Noun a dude given to sporting expensive suits and flashy jewelry OK, dude, whatever you say. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun He’s a leader, a guy with an ego, a demanding dude who can be rough on teammates and on opponents.