Come si scrive cista?


Come si scrive cista?

Come si scrive cista?

cystis, gr. kýstis -eōs o -idos "vescica"]. - (med.) [cavità abnorme, rotondeggiante, munita di pareti proprie, a contenuto solido, semisolido o liquido: cisti sierosa; cisti parassitaria] ≈ [spec.

Cosa è una cisti Dermoide?

La cosiddetta cisti dermoide (o teratoma cistico maturo) è una formazione cistica di derivazione embrionaria che, oltre al sebo, può contenere al suo interno altri tessuti, come capelli, denti, frammenti di tiroide, ossa.

Come si chiamano le cisti?

La cisti, o ciste, è una cavità o sacca, normale o patologica, chiusa da una membrana ben distinta, contenente un materiale liquido o semisolido. Le raccolte di liquido non delimitate da membrana vengono definite pseudocisti, mentre le raccolte di pus vengono definite ascessi.

What does cista stand for?

  • In the Roman comitia, the cista was the ballot-box into which the voters cast their tabellae. The form and material of the voters' cista, evidently of wicker or similar work, is represented in an annexed cut from a coin of the Cassia gens.

What is a cista mystica?

  • In ancient Greek mystery cults, the cista mystica were wicker-work boxes which seem to have contained a live serpent, as represented in numerous ancient images, including coins on which a cista is shown half-open with a serpent creeping out of it.

What is the purpose of a Cistella?

  • Purpose and usage. The Cista or cistella was at first thought be a wicker basket used for holding fruits and vegetables and for general agricultural purposes. Although these baskets were sometimes square, they were more often cylindrical in shape. Over time, cista came to mean a smaller box or casket employed for a variety of purposes.

What is a cista box used for?

  • The Cista or cistella was at first thought be a wicker basket used for holding fruits and vegetables and for general agricultural purposes. Although these baskets were sometimes square, they were more often cylindrical in shape. Over time, cista came to mean a smaller box or casket employed for a variety of purposes.

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