Come scaricare da Mediaset Infinity?
Come scaricare da Mediaset Infinity?
Download Video per Android Una volta avviata l'app cerca il sito Mediaset Play e il contenuto che vuoi scaricare. Avvia la riproduzione del file e aspetta che compaia l'icona di download, in basso in rosso.
Come scaricare da Mediaset Infinity su PC?
Scaricare Mediaset Infinity su PC Per usufruirne, quindi, devi collegarti al suo sito Web ufficiale, utilizzando un browser per la navigazione in Internet, come ad esempio Google Chrome o Safari. Puoi utilizzare la sezione Dirette TV del sito Web per vedere i canali Mediaset in diretta streaming.
What is Mediaset play Infinity?
- Mediaset Infinity, formerly Mediaset Play and Mediaset Play Infinity, is an Italian streaming platform for viewing streaming content via the Internet, both live and on demand. The platform is published by RTI, a subsidiary of the Mediaset Group. It is also available as an app for Android, iOS and for Smart TVs with MHP or HbbTV technology.
What is RTI Mediaset?
- The platform is published by RTI, a subsidiary of the Mediaset Group. It is also available as an app for Android, iOS and for Smart TVs with MHP or HbbTV technology. The first Mediaset website was activated in 1999 under the name
What is Mediaset play and how does it work?
- Mediaset Play was born on J as the heir of Mediaset On Demand, also incorporating the sites of free television channels and introducing some new functions that are added to those already existing in the previous portal.
What will the new Mediaset offering be based on?
- According to the Italian media outfit, the offering will be based on an “experimental pyramid offering”, with all Mediaset network content available at the base, with the addition of new ‘digital first’ exclusive content designed for the web. The first of the latter will be debuted in the autumn.