What breed of dog is Togo?

What breed of dog is Togo?
Siberian Husky Though Balto often gets the credit for saving the town of Nome, it was Togo, a Siberian Husky, who led his team across the most dangerous leg of the journey. Named after Heihachiro Togo, a Japanese Admiral who fought in the war between Russia and Japan (1904-05), Togo was the lead sled dog of Leonhard Seppala.
Did Leonhard Seppala have a daughter?
Sigrid Seppala Leonhard Seppala/Figlie
Is the story of Togo true?
The True Story of Togo: Siberian Husky Sled Dog Hero of 1925 Nome Serum Run. In the winter of 1925, a deadly outbreak of diphtheria in the remote port of Nome, Alaska, threatened the lives of the 10,000-plus living in the area. ... Officials determined that the only way to deliver the serum in time was via sled dog teams.
Where is Togo the dog now?
Iditarod Trail But Balto wasn't the only dog. Togo the Wonder Dog, another one of the Siberian huskies that was part of the team that delivered the antitoxin to Nome, is stuffed and lives inside of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Gift Shop/Museum in Wasilla, Alaska.
Does Togo have a statue?
Fortunately, Togo now does have his own NYC statue in Seward Park on the Lower East Side. Also, statues of Balto and Togo can be found at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
How many Seppala Siberians are there?
At present we still have just two living Seppalas in residence here in Rossburn, Manitoba. Our kennel is now a caregiving operation for our remaining seniors.
Why did Togo not get credit?
Togo was twelve years old and this would be his last race; going lame afterwards. He gave his heart and soul to his beloved master and ran until he could no more. ... This is why it broke Sepp's heart that Togo did not receive the credit due, for the most dangerous and deadly portion of the Serum Run.
Are there still Seppala Siberians?
The pure original Seppala bloodlines are rare but found in small numbers in several Canadian provinces, the main population now occurring in Manitoba where the parent kennel relocated in 2008.