Cosa mangiare per prevenire il tumore al seno?

Cosa mangiare per prevenire il tumore al seno?
Vi proponiamo di seguito una lista di 10 alimenti che si sono dimostrati efficaci nel prevenire il cancro al seno.
- Cavoli, cavolfiore, broccoli, verze, .. ...
- Le verdure a foglia verde. ...
- I fagioli e legumi. ...
- I pomodori. ...
- Frutta e verdura in generale. ...
- Il pesce azzurro, ricco di Omega-3. ...
- L'olio d'oliva. ...
- I semi di lino.
What are phytoestrogens and are they safe?
- Phytoestrogens also occur in medicinal herbs and are widely available as supplements. The dose in supplements is often far higher than those in dietary sources. In terms of safety and effectiveness, supplements should be thought of differently from a diet rich in phytoestrogens.
Is lignan a phytoestrogen?
- Lignans have also been identified as phytoestrogens, although they are not flavonoids. Mycoestrogens have similar structures and effects, but are not components of plants; these are mold metabolites of Fusarium, especially common on cereal grains, but also occurring elsewhere, e.g. on various forages.
Are phytoestrogens a natural alternative to estrogen replacement?
- Clarity on this issue is needed because global consumption is rapidly increasing. Phytoestrogens are present in numerous dietary supplements and widely marketed as a natural alternative to estrogen replacement therapy. Soy infant formula now constitutes up to a third of the US market, and soy protein is now added to many processed foods.
What is the history of phytoestrogens?
- Phytoestrogens were first observed in 1926, but it was unknown if they could have any effect in human or animal metabolism. In the 1940s and early 1950s, it was noticed that some pastures of subterranean clover and red clover (phytoestrogen-rich plants) had adverse effects on the fecundity of grazing sheep.