Come contrastare l aerofagia?

Come contrastare l aerofagia?
La miglior cura per l'aerofagia non patologica è sicuramente rappresentata dall'alimentazione, sia in termini di accostamenti alimentari, che di modalità con cui si consuma il pasto: Masticare a lungo. Non parlare durante il pasto. Non bere bevande gassate (o comunque limitarne il consumo)
Che cosa è l aerofagia?
L'aerofagia è un accumulo d'aria nell'apparato digerente che conduce a gonfiori e tensioni addominali. Può essere provocata da un'ingestione ricorrente di grosse quantità d'aria.
What is aerophagia (aerophagy)?
- Aerophagia (var. aerophagy) is a condition of excessive air swallowing, which goes to the stomach. Aerophagia may also refer to an unusual condition where the primary symptom is excessive flatus, belching is not present, and the actual mechanism by which air enters the gut is obscure.
Is aerophagia causing your bloating?
- Aerophagia is the excessive swallowing of air, and although it isn’t a serious condition, it can cause bloating and discomfort. For the most part, it occurs when you swallow a little bit of extra air while eating or drinking.
How to get rid of aerophagia naturally?
- Natural remedies are always an option for relieving gassiness that leads to aerophagia. Some herbal teas that you can make are: Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and digestive powers that lets you ease digestion. Make this infusion with a spoonful of dried chamomile petals per cup of water.
Is there a connection between aerophagia and anxiety?
- In one study comparing adults with aerophagia to adults with indigestion, researchers found that 19 percent of those with aerophagia had anxiety versus just 6 percent of those with indigestion. The connection between anxiety and aerophagia was seen in another study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.