Is Link Zelda's son?


Is Link Zelda's son?

Is Link Zelda's son?

The two have a child (who turns out to be Link), but because the King of Hyrule is apparently prejudiced against elves, they decide to have Impa raise their child in secret. Later, Princess Zelda XVI has another child named (appropriately enough) Zelda XVII.

Is Link from Zelda deaf?

No, Link is not mute.

Are Link and Zelda siblings?

They married in that Zelda game which started a lot of controversy so now no one talks about it and they aren't brother and sister anymore. ... Only Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask that Link & Zelda are siblings, after that all them other games they're far distant relatives.

Why can't Link speak?

Miyamoto reveals Link's full name; he won't speak in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. ... Miyamoto has said that this is because he wants the player to more or less feel like they are Link and having a speaking protagonist would break this illusion.

Why does Link have earrings?

We don't quite know, but Link does wear earrings in this adventure. ... These earrings replace Link's traditional blue ones and protect him from continuous fire damage and heat.

Why is Zelda mad at Link?

For the majority of the game, Zelda seems to straight up hate and resent Link for his natural abilities. This mostly stems from her own insecurities, notably her inability to awaken her powers as Princess, but it doesn't stop her from detesting Link for roughly 85% of the whole game.

Does link and Zelda love each other?

  • Most of the time, Link and Zelda maintain a strictly platonic relationship with even a few instances of them simply having a professional one. The few times Link and Zelda actually wind up together are exceptions to the rule. They're friends first and lovers second.

Is link married to Zelda?

  • To answer the question, it is very likely that Zelda and Link from Skyward Sword do marry and likely eventually have children. You get both because Zelda and Link's descendant is likely another Zelda (one with the blood of the goddess).

Does Zelda like link?

  • No. There has never been a confirmed love relationship in Zelda EVER. There are of course many theories like Link x Midna or Link x Zelda in Zelda II Adventure of Link.

Does link like Zelda from The Legend of Zelda?

  • Link and Zelda's relationship is at the heart of The Legend of Zelda franchise, but it's hardly consistent across timelines. The original Legend of Zelda doesn't feature much in the way of story, so it goes without saying that Link and Zelda don't have much of a connection.

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