Come configurare il modem Fritz Box 7530?

Come configurare il modem Fritz Box 7530?
Configurazione Fritz!Box 7530 per ADSL, VDSL, Fibra FTTC
- Attendere il riavvio dell'apparato e nella pagina che appare inserire la password riportata sotto l'apparato dove indicato "FRITZ! ...
- Selezionare dal menu a tendina il Paese "Italia" e cliccare su "Avanti"
Come collegare il Fritz repeater?
Premere il tasto WPS del FRITZ! Repeater e tenerlo premuto (circa 6 secondi), fino a quando il suo LED WLAN lampeggia. Non appena uno o più LED sulla barra d'intensità del segnale del FRITZ! Repeater rimangono accesi fissi, la configurazione è conclusa.
What is the difference between the FRITZ Box 7590 and 7490?
- The FRITZ!Box 7590 is the current flagship of all DSL mainstream models. The successor of the 7490 adds simultaneous dual band 4-stream WLAN capability, with up to 800 Mbit/s in the 2.4 GHz band an up to 1733 Mbit/s in the 5 GHz band using 802.11ac2 (ac wave 2) with multi user MIMO support. The 7590 is also sold with the older FRITZ!
How secure is the FRITZ Box?
- The FRITZ!Box comprehensive security concept protects your communication. It undergoes constant testing and further development, with updates a key part of this. We regularly provide you with new versions and if you like, the FRITZ!Box can update itself automatically. FRITZ!OS: The genius behind FRITZ!
What does the 7590 have to offer?
- The 7590 sets new standards through the use of supervectoring, which enables download rates of up to 300 Mbit/s. This triples the speed on DSL connections. Top Wi-Fi, fast gigabit LAN and powerful USB 3.0 ports round out the high-speed network.
What is Fritz OS?
- FRITZ!OS: The genius behind FRITZ! FRITZ!OS, the smart operating system of your FRITZ!Box, enables seamless cooperation among all devices in the home network. Get inspired by the new functions and improvements every time.