Come si chiamano i piccoli delle anatre?

Come si chiamano i piccoli delle anatre?
Anatra è un nome di genere femminile, ma vale sia per il maschio sia per la femmina: volendo indicare l'uno o l'altra si dirà anatra maschio o anatra femmina. L'anatra non è un pollo, ma rientra nel termine pollame. I piccoli dell'anatra si chiamano anatroccoli.
Cosa dare da mangiare alle anatre appena nate?
Puoi alimentarli con cibo di svezzamento specifico per anatre, piselli, mais, fagiolini, fagioli di Lima, carote cotte, uova sode, grilli, vermi, cibo per piccoli pesci, erba, latte e mangime per tacchini.
What is the meaning of the word Anatra?
- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Anatra. Anatra was an aircraft manufacturer founded by Artur Antonovich Anatra at Odessa, Ukraine, then Russian Empire in 1913 which manufactured several light aircraft designs from then to 1917. The factory had been a naval workshop which was engaged in building foreign designs.
What was the Anatra Anadis?
- In addition to the steady output of reconnaissance aircraft for Russia produced by the factory during the war, Anatra attempted development of a fighter design. One attempt, the Anatra Anadis was based on the Anasal, redesigned as a wooden semi-monocoque construction and equipped with a Hispano-Suiza engine.
What does antanatra mean?
- Anatra was an aircraft manufacturer founded by Artur Antonovich Anatra at Odessa, Ukraine, then Russian Empire in 1913 which manufactured several light aircraft designs from then to 1917 . The factory had been a naval workshop which was engaged in building foreign designs.
What happened to the Anatra factory?
- The factory had been a naval workshop which was engaged in building foreign designs. They had constructed approximately twenty examples from 1909 through 1912. Anatra continued to build foreign designs by Farman, Morane, Nieuport, and Voisin at increasing rates, ultimately building at a rate of as many as sixty per month by 1917.