Come si riproduce l Araucaria?


Come si riproduce l Araucaria?

Come si riproduce l Araucaria?

Moltiplicazione Araucaria La pianta si propaga per seme. I semi si mettono a germinare a fine inverno in un vaso contenente un miscuglio di torba e sabbia grossolana. Il substrato di semina va mantenuto sempre umido fino alla comparsa delle piantine, 1 – 2 mesi circa se la temperatura si aggira intorno ai 15°C.

Come seminare Araucaria?

Moltiplicazione Araucaria La pianta si propaga per seme. I semi si mettono a germinare a fine inverno in un vaso contenente un miscuglio di torba e sabbia grossolana. Il substrato di semina va mantenuto sempre umido fino alla comparsa delle piantine, 1 – 2 mesi circa se la temperatura si aggira intorno ai 15°C.

What does the name Araucaria mean?

  • Araucaria (noun) a genus of tall conifers of the pine family. The species are confined mostly to South America and Australia. The wood cells differ from those of other in having the dots in their lateral surfaces in two or three rows, and the dots of contiguous rows alternating.

What is Araucaria used for?

  • Common applications for Araucaria include: Framing - Seasoned Araucaria for protected and exposed above ground framing; preservative treated Araucaria for in-ground framing Internal flooring Internal and external joinery Panelling Decking Cladding Plywood

What does Araucaria family mean?

  • Araucariaceae - also known as araucarians - is a very ancient family of coniferous trees. The family achieved its maximum diversity during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, when it was distributed almost worldwide.

What does Araucaria araucana mean?

  • What does araucaria-araucana mean ? A taxonomic species within the genus Araucaria - the monkey puzzle , a conifer native to Chile. (pronoun)

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