Che significa Piedaterre?

Che significa Piedaterre?
(propr. «piede a terra»). – Appartamento, generalm. di piccole dimensioni, usato solo temporaneamente e per brevi soggiorni da chi abitualmente risiede altrove: mi ha prestato il suo p.
Quanto costano le friulane Piedaterre?
Prezzi da 45.00 euro.
What is a pied-à-terre home?
- Pronounced “pee-AY-dah-TARE,” it’s a second (or third or fourth) home that’s not as large as one’s primary residence, used on an occasional basis and requiring minimal upkeep. A French term, pied-à-terre translates to “foot on the ground.” So while your home base may be elsewhere, you still have a foothold in this other place.
What is a pied a terre in NYC?
- Technically, as in linguistically speaking, a “pied-à-terre” literally translated from French means “a foot on the ground.” What it means in New York City, or any place someone wants to own a second home, is a pied-à-terre is not a primary residence and is intended to be used on weekends or short periods as a vacation home, or a “non-primary ...
What is the difference between pied a Terre and city centre?
- A city-centre apartment block is a common form of pied-à-terre. A pied-à-terre (French pronunciation: [pjetaˈtɛʁ], plural: pieds-à-terre; French for "foot on the ground") is a small living unit, e.g., apartment or condominium, usually located in a large city some distance away from an individual's primary residence.
Can You sublet a pied-à-terre?
- Short-term vacation rentals are usually not allowed when it comes to subletting a pied-à-terre. Additionally, co-ops typically restrict the length of time for an apartment sublet to one to two years within any five-to-seven-year period. Owners generally have to wait one to three years before subletting.