Quando tagliare siepe Osmanthus?

Quando tagliare siepe Osmanthus?
La potatura non è indispensabile ma è consigliata per irrobustire la siepe donandole un fogliame più denso per tutto il corso dell'anno. Se decidete di potare la vostra siepe di osmanto, fatelo preferibilmente alla fine dell'inverno o inizio primavera, ma in ogni caso prima che comincino a spuntare i fiori.
Quale concime per Osmanthus?
Coltivazione Osmanto Concimazione: per favorire la crescita, la nuova vegetazione fogliare e la fioritura somministrare in primavera, 1 volta al mese, un concime liquido completo ricco in azoto e potassio e pacciamare la base con radici di torba.
What is the scientific name of Osmanthus?
- Osmanthus fragrans (lit. "fragrant osmanthus"; Chinese: 桂花, guìhuā, and 木樨, mùxī; Cantonese Yale: gwai fā; Japanese: 木犀, mokusei; Hindi: सिलंग, silang), variously known as sweet osmanthus, sweet olive, tea olive, and fragrant olive, is a species native to Asia from the Himalayas through southern China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan) to Taiwan and ...
What is osmanthus tea used for?
- In some regions of North India, especially in the state of Uttarakhand, the flowers of sweet osmanthus are used to protect clothes from insects. In traditional Chinese medicine, osmanthus tea has been used as an herbal tea for the treatment of irregular menstruation.
What is Osmanthus fragrans Lour?
- According to Leffingwell: "While the flowers of osmanthus range from silver-white (Osmanthus fragrans Lour. var. latifolius Mak.) to gold-orange (Osmanthus fragrans Lour. var. thunbergii Mak.) to reddish (Osmanthus fragrans Lour. var. aurantiacus Mak.), the extract (alcohol absolute) is usually prepared from the gold-orange flowers.
Why is osmanthus absolute so expensive?
- Osmanthus absolute is indeed an expensive raw material for the perfumer, but worth investing in due to its unique olfactory profile: Highly fragrant and succulent in its peachy-apricoty top note it is nothing short of mouthwatering.