Cosa fare a Zermatt d'estate?


Cosa fare a Zermatt d'estate?

Cosa fare a Zermatt d'estate?


  • Passeggiate, escursioni, arrampicate e alpinismo a più non posso.
  • Osservazione di marmotte e camosci nei percorsi escursionistici a tema.
  • Sci estivo su 21 km di piste.
  • Nuoto nei laghi di montagna, ad esempio nel lago Leisee.
  • Mountain bike per principianti e biker esperti.

Cosa fare a Zermatt con bambini?

Cosa fare nel villaggio di Zermatt con bambini

  • Visitare lo Zermatlantis, il museo del Cervino. ...
  • Adrenalina al parco avventura Forest Fun. ...
  • Ammirare le case tradizionali. ...
  • Scoprite il Matterhorn Glacier Paradise. ...
  • Andate in treno sul Gornergrat.

Where to stay in Zermatt?

  • Zermatt: where to stay. Yolanda Carslaw chooses three of the best hotels in the Swiss ski resort of Zermatt. Cutting edge - The Omnia. On a ledge near the main street, overlooking the rooftops, yet cleverly accessible from street level via a candlelit cavern and a lift through the rock, yards from the centre.

What to do in Zermatt?

  • Things to do in Zermatt. If you want to experience a typical Swiss Village, then Zermatt is a great choice. It is a car-free village filled with charming shops and amazing views. Zermatt is well known for hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter, but there are a variety of other attractions in Zermatt that you won’t want to miss.

Where is the Matterhorn mountain?

  • The Matterhorn (German: Matterhorn [ˈmatərˌhɔrn]; Italian: Cervino [tʃerˈviːno]; French: Mont Cervin [mɔ̃ sɛʁvɛ̃]) is a mountain of the Alps , straddling the main watershed and border between Switzerland and Italy.

Is the Matterhorn in Switzerland?

  • The Matterhorn - a mountain in the Swiss Alps . The Matterhorn in Switzerland is one of the world's most distinctive mountains. With its triangular shape, it looks almost like it was drawn by a child.

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