Does Ted have a baby in Ted 2?

Does Ted have a baby in Ted 2?
Outside the courthouse, Ted re-proposes to Tami-Lynn. After they are re-married, Ted and Tami-Lynn, after adopting the surname of "Clubber Lang", adopt a baby boy, who they name Apollo Creed, while John and Sam happily pursue their own relationship.
What is the movie Ted 2 about?
Ted si è sposato con la sua fidanzata Tami Lynn, ma dopo un anno di matrimonio il loro rapporto diventa sempre più difficile, così decidono di avere un figlio. Visto che l'orsetto è incapace di avere funzioni riproduttive, chiede aiuto al suo amico John, ma poi si scopre che la giovane è sterile. Decidono così di intraprendere altre strade. Ted 2/Sinossi del film
Is Ted 3 Confirmed?
Macfarlane's first film, and the directorial debut, was far exceeding expectations, creating something genuine in which to create a teddy bear alive. ... Well, it has been five years since you last saw a talking teddy. Ted 3 has yet to receive any official confirmation of information. Ted 3 is definitely within the cards.
Where can I watch Ted 2 2021?
You are able to stream Ted 2 by renting or purchasing on Google Play, Vudu, iTunes, and Amazon Instant Video.
Where can u watch Ted?
Watch Ted Streaming Online | Hulu (Free Trial)
How was the movie Ted made?
Like the rest of the film, all of Ted's movement was created by keyframe animation, with no motion capture used. A stuffed Ted was used during film to provide a reference to Mark Wahlberg and the production crew.
Does Ted come back to life?
They instead cover his ripped body with cloth. Later that night, Lori sees a shooting star and makes a wish. The following day, John takes one more look at the deceased Ted. A few seconds later, Ted's eyes start to blink with his magical life restored.
Does Ted lose the case?
Months after John's divorce, Ted and Tami-Lynn's marriage seems to be on the same road. To patch things up, Ted and Tami-Lynn plan to have a child with John's help, but their failed efforts backfire disastrously. Namely, Ted is declared property by the government, and he loses all of his civil rights.