Cosa significa Yattaman?

Cosa significa Yattaman?
In giapponese "yatta" significa "OK", "va bene", "sono pronto". Il ban si ispira al cartone animato giapponese "Yattaman" (titolo originale: タイムボカンシリーズ ヤッターマン - Time Bokan Series: Yattaman) del 1977, trasmesso in Italia su Rete , dove gli avversari si sfidavano con stravaganti robot a forma di animali.
Come si chiamano i Cattivi di Yattaman?
Si tratta degli acerrimi nemici degli Yattaman: il trio Drombo, composto dalla bellissima e perfida Miss Dronio, e dai suoi tirapiedi Boyakki e Tonzula. I Drombo, con l'aiuto del misterioso Dottor Dokrobei ingaggiano con gli Yattaman una dura battaglia per il possesso della Dokrostone... e per il destino del mondo.
Who is Yatterman 1?
- Gan Takada: Gan is a mechanical whiz with a laid back attitude who is the hero known as Yatterman 1. Using the dog robot Yatterwan, a mecha designed by his father and completed by him, he fights the Doronbo Gang alongside Ai.
What is the name of the dog in Yatterman?
- Standing in their way are Gan and Ai, who become the masked heroes Yatterman-1 and Yatterman-2, respectively. The two are aided in their adventures by a large mechanical dog, Yatterwan. Unlike previous series in the Time Bokan franchise, Yatterman does not cover any specific time/space travel.
What kind of robot is Yatterman angler?
- Yatter-Angler is a goosefish robot who appeared in the 27th episode. He is constructed as the only all-terrain mecha for the Yatterman duo, and is equipped with a cockpit for underwater travel. The Mecha-Tonic is in the shape of a fish roe, and releases mini-robots shaped like marine creatures.
Who is Ai Kaminari Yatterman 2?
- Ai Kaminari: Ai is a beautiful young girl skilled in developing electronics who moonlights as the hero Yatterman 2. She is the brains of the team and helped design and build some of the mecha they use. Her primary weapon is a telescopic baton called the Electric Stick, which she uses to zap her opponents with an electrical attack.