Quando andare al Giardino di Ninfa?


Quando andare al Giardino di Ninfa?

Quando andare al Giardino di Ninfa?

Il periodo migliore per visitare il Giardino di Ninfa è quello tra aprile e maggio, quando la fioritura raggiunge il massimo splendore.

Where is the garden of Ninfa in Italy?

  • Garden of Ninfa. The Garden of Ninfa is a landscape garden in the territory of Cisterna di Latina, in the province of Latina, central Italy. The park has an area of 105 hectares (260 acres), and is an Italian natural monument.

What is the history of Ninfa?

  • In the 16th century Ninfa was repopulated by its inhabitants, under the seigniory of the Caetani. Cardinal Nicolò III Caetani ordered the architect Francesco Perugino to build a garden in the area of Ninfa, but this garden fell into decay soon after the Cardinal's death in 1585.

What makes the garden at Ninfa so special?

  • The garden at Ninfa has a unique setting: the ruins of a medieval town near Rome. The site is one of sublime romantic beauty, where time seems to stand still. The garden has achieved cult status among the English and American gardening cognoscenti.

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