Come prenotare su Uci cinema?

Come prenotare su Uci cinema?
E' possibile acquistare i biglietti tramite App gratuita di UCI Cinemas per dispositivi Apple e Android e sul sito
Quando iniziano i film All'uci cinema?
Il film inizia circa 20 minuti dopo l'orario di inizio proiezione comunicato (ad eccezione delle proiezioni del calendario Non solo film indicato nella sezione Eventi UCI che cominciano circa 10 minuti dopo).
Quanto costano i biglietti del UCI Cinema?
*Film in versione IMAX: 7,90€ per i cinema di Orio e Porta di Roma e 8,90€ per Campi Bisenzio. **Film in versione IMAX: 8,90€ per i cinema di Orio e Porta di Roma e 9,90€ per Campi Bisenzio. E con SKIN Family puoi vedere tutti i film, tutti i giorni a soli 4,50€!
Are UCI Cinemas owned by AMC?
- UCI Cinemas (United Cinemas International) is a brand of cinema, currently operating in Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil. All territories with the exception of Brazil (where UCI cinemas are owned by National Amusements) are owned by Odeon Cinemas Group whose ultimate owner is AMC Theatres.
Who is the owner of UCI Cinemas in Brazil?
- UCI Cinemas (United Cinemas International) is a brand of cinema, currently operating in Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil. All territories with the exception of Brazil (where UCI cinemas are owned by National Amusements) are owned by Odeon Cinemas Group whose ultimate owner is AMC Theatres.
What does UCI stand for?
- UCI Cinemas ( United Cinemas International) is a brand of cinema, currently operating in Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil.
Why study film and media studies at UC Irvine?
- The Department of Film and Media Studies at UC Irvine provides students with a strong liberal arts background by combining theory and practice, giving our majors the tools necessary to navigate the complex film, broadcast, and digital media landscape.