Dove si trova Puente Viejo del segreto?

Dove si trova Puente Viejo del segreto?
Il Segreto o El secreto de Puente Viejo è ambientato a Torremocha de Jarama un piccolo pesino ubicato nella parte settentrionale di Madrid in Spagna.
Dove è ambientata la telenovela Il segreto?
La soap spagnola la lui location è Puente Viejo, un piccolo villaggio dove si snodano le intricate vicende dei suoi protagonisti. Ambientato nei primi decenni del '900 Il Segreto vede come protagonista l'amore travagliato di Tristan e Pepa.
When did El secreto de Puente Viejo come out?
- El secreto de Puente Viejo (English: The Secret of Puente Viejo) was a Spanish soap opera produced by Boomerang TV for Antena 3. The series premiered on Antena 3. The series was originally broadcast from 23 February 2011 to .
Who are the Stars of Puente Viejo?
- The series follows the frames of the inhabitants of Puente Viejo village. The first stars are Pepa (Megan Montaner) and Tristàn (Àlex Gadea), who fight for their love.
Who is the mayor's wife in Puente Viejo?
- The series also shows some comedy moments, portraying the life of Pedro Mirañar (Enric Benavent), Puente Viejo's mayor and his family. His wife Dolores (Maribel Ripoll) is a self-confident and chatty woman, prone to gossiping who later temporarily takes her husband's position.
When does Pepa come to Puenteviejo?
- Puenteviejo, 1902. Pepa midwife comes to Puenteviejo to exercise her profession. Her faith leads her to cross paths with Francisca Montenegro, landowner, and stepmother of Carlos Castro, a ex lover of Pepa and father of her child, a boy who was ripped from Pepa at birth...