Quanto è la tassazione sulle plusvalenze?

Quanto è la tassazione sulle plusvalenze?
Al momento della cessione, in sede di atto notarile, alla plusvalenza da cessione di immobili può essere applicata un'imposta sostitutiva del 26%. Questo tipo di tassazione è alternativo alla tassazione ordinaria IRPEF indicata sopra.
Quanto sono tassati i fondi comuni di investimento?
Come sono tassati i fondi comuni di investimento? In linea generale, l'aliquota dell'imposizione su tali redditi è proporzionale (flat) ed è pari al 26% (misura così stabilita, da ultimo, dal decreto-legge n. ).
Will the capital gains tax rate change in 2018?
- Data Source: IRS. The 2018 long-term capital gains tax structure could change significantly if the GOP passes a tax reform bill. While neither bill that has been revealed thus far changes the capital gains tax rates, both would change the income ranges to which each rate would apply.
What is a capital gain on a stock sale?
- A capital gain occurs when you sell property, such as a stock, at a price that's greater than what you paid for it. For example, if you bought a stock for $40 per share and sold for $50, you'd have a $10 capital gain for each share you sell. The IRS sorts capital gains into two categories: long-term and short-term.
Do I have to pay long term capital gain tax on shares?
- For the shares that are sold before 31st March 2018, but bought before 31st January, there will be no long term capital gain tax, since the provisions haven't been applicable. According to the revised provisions, the factors to calculate the gain change based on the date.
What is the new capital gains tax structure?
- What stays the same. In a nutshell, nothing changed in the basic capital gains tax structure. For starters, long-term capital gains are still defined as gains made on assets that you held for over a year, while short-term capital gains come from assets you held for a year or less.