Quanto deve essere il rapporto albumine globuline?

Quanto deve essere il rapporto albumine globuline?
I valori normali vanno da 6 a 8 g/dl di proteine totali. Rapporto albumina/globuline: 1,2-1,7.
Che cos'è il rapporto albumine globuline?
Il rapporto albumina/globuline (rapporto A/G) si ottiene dall'albumina misurata e dalle globuline calcolate (proteine totali- albumina). La concentrazione delle proteine totali nel sangue è di solito relativamente stabile, e riflette un equilibrio nella perdita delle molecole vecchie e la produzione di nuove.
What are beta 2 microglobulin levels used for?
- Beta-2 microglobulin tests are not always used as tumor marker tests for cancer patients. B2M levels are sometimes measured to: Check for kidney damage in people with kidney disease. Find out if a viral infection, such as HIV/AIDS, has affected the brain and/or spinal cord.
What does Beta 2 micro globulin in urine mean?
- When Beta 2 micro globulin is detectable in the urine, it is already considered to be at a high enough level to be noted as a sign of some problem. Beta 2 micro globulin level is a marker for tumors, disease, and kidney function problems.
What is BRTA 2 micro globulin used to diagnose?
- The Brta 2 micro globulin is useful to confirm a diagnosis and to monitor the levels of the infection and the response that a person might have to the treatment given for it. Beta 2 micro globulin levels are also useful to diagnose kidney problems.
How is beta 2 micro globulin used to diagnose myeloma?
- Damage may have occurred to the kidney and this can be tested using the Beta 2 micro globulin test. When diagnosing myeloma the Beta 2 micro globulin is useful to determine its severity. It can also be used to determine the spread and severity of cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma.