Quante sedute di Endospheres?


Quante sedute di Endospheres?

Quante sedute di Endospheres?

Un trattamento corpo completo prevede cicli di 6 o 12 sedute, effettuate due o tre volte a settimana.

A cosa serve Endosphere?

Endosphères Therapy è riconosciuta come il trattamento total body d'eccellenza, grazie ad una metodica rivoluzionaria capace di risolvere gli inestetismi di corpo e viso (combattere la cellulite, rimodellare gli accumuli adiposi e agire sugli inestetismi del volto).

Quanto costa trattamento Endospheres?

4 sedute di endosphères therapy abbinate a pressoterapia su una o più zone del corpo a scelta a 89 Euro invece di 480 - EUTONIA | Groupon.

Is endosphères therapy safe?

  • The handpiece and its cylinder can be extracted and sanitized making it an effective, totally safe treatment. The Compressive Microvibration Method used within Endosphères Therapy is the latest full body treatment on the market that allows you to target the areas of your body that you want to improve!

What is endosphères _SIES?

  • Data collected by Studio Endosphères _SIES 2008. Endosphères is a device that can be sanitized fully after every treatment thus guaranteeing hygiene and safety for both the operator and the client. The handpiece and its cylinder can be extracted and sanitized making it an effective, totally safe treatment.

What is endendosphères therapy?

  • Endosphères Therapy is a clinically tested technology, tested at reputable universities and medical institutes, which showed it is a very safe treatment. The treatment follows a precise scientific protocol. As a non-surgical treatment, it is 100% safe and presents no side effects whatsoever.

How often is the endosphères sanitized?

  • * As reported after the first twelve treatments. Data collected by Studio Endosphères _SIES 2008. Endosphères is a device that can be sanitized fully after every treatment thus guaranteeing hygiene and safety for both the operator and the client.

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