Cosa vuol dire essere intrepidi?

Cosa vuol dire essere intrepidi?
(lett.) [che non mostra paura nell'affrontare un pericolo: soldato, animo intrepido] ≈ animoso, (lett.) ardimentoso, ardito, audace, (non com.) baldo, coraggioso, impavido, (lett.)...
Come è morto Braveheart?
Cattura ed esecuzione di Wallace Dopo un processo sommario, le autorità inglesi lo giustiziarono atrocemente il 23 agosto 1305, a Smithfield (Londra), nella maniera tradizionale riservata ai traditori: egli venne impiccato e quindi squartato. La sua testa venne infilzata su un palo e posta sul London Bridge.
What is imimpavido used for?
- IMPAVIDO is an antileishmanial drug indicated in adults and adolescents 12 years of age weighing 30 kg (66 lbs) for treatment of: Cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania guyanensis, and Leishmania panamensis
How do I contact Impavido?
- Please click contact us or call 908-635-2326. Impavido (Miltefosine) is a orphan drug covered by most health plans so copay to patient is low. At the current time we do not participate in medicare/medicaid or 340B.
Does the Impavido 1 have a spoiler?
- In 2014, the Impavido 1's casting was changed; the spoiler is now part of the body and is no longer a separate piece, though there are still variants of the car released after that date with a plastic spoiler. The Impavido 1 has been released in the following versions:
What does Impavido mean on Hot Wheels?
- Description Impavido 1 is a Hot Wheels casting designed by Phil Riehlman that debuted in the 2008 New Models; the name of the casting literally translates to "Fearless One". The casting, with its design and overall shape, loosely resembles certain Lamborghini models.