Dove si trova hotel Shining?

Dove si trova hotel Shining?
Lo Stanley Hotel è un hotel di 140 stanze in stile neo-georgiano ad Estes Park, in Colorado. Situato in vista del Rocky Mountain National Park, lo Stanley offre una vista panoramica sulle Rockies.
Che fine ha fatto l'attrice di Shining?
Shelley Duvall ha sofferto un esaurimento nervoso durante e dopo l'esperienza di Shining. Sul set di Kubrick, infatti, veniva umiliata pubblicamente dal regista, durissimo con lei durante l'intero periodo di riprese. Un'esperienza che l'attrice ha definito "quasi insostenibile".
What is Room 237 in the Shining?
- Room 237. Room 237 was a room in the Overlook Hotel in The Shining. In the book it was called "217". History. The room was inhabited in the past, by a Lorraine Massey who would usually seduce young bellboys who would visit her room.
What is the documentary Room 237 about?
- The documentary Room 237 explores various fan interpretations of The Shining, which was directed by Stanley Kubrick and based on Stephen King's novel. As is typical of Kubrick, there is a lot of attention to detail in this movie.
What can Jack find in Room 237?
- Danny checks out the mysterious Room 237. Wendy runs to tell Jack that there's a woman hiding in Room 237. Jack can't find anything in Room 237. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Why do so many people find room 237 so strange?
- There are others, but those are the main details fans pointed out as strange. One critic of the documentary Room 237 that discusses these called their interpretations apophenia, which is the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. But the thing is, nothing Kubrick put into any of his movies was random.