Cosa scrive Jack Nicholson in Shining?

Cosa scrive Jack Nicholson in Shining?
La frase che Jack scrive ossessivamente sulla macchina da scrivere, nella versione originale del film, è il proverbio All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
What is the meaning of the word shining?
- English Language Learners Definition of shining : producing or reflecting a bright, steady light : excellent or perfect See the full definition for shining in the English Language Learners Dictionary
What is “the Shine”?
- “The shine” is a psychic ability that enables those who have it to read minds and communicate with other shinning users through the mind, and allows them to see events that have happened in the past as well as those that will happen in the future.
What is the setting of the Shining?
- The Shining follows Jack Torrance, an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic who takes a job as the off-season caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, in the Colorado Rockies.
Is the Shining still worth watching today?
- Forty years on, and it's still outstanding. Kubrick, King and Nicholson, the writing was literally on the wall, and I don't mean RedRum, forty years on, and The Shining is still a masterpiece. Kubrick takes King's fantastic book, and builds on it, bringing the story to life in his own inimitable way.