Quando la Cuddy lascia House?

Quando la Cuddy lascia House?
Questo dolore psicologico ha portato Cuddy a lasciare lo spettacolo in seguito agli eventi del finale della stagione 7 di Dr. House, che ha comportato una brutale rottura con il protagonista. ... House "Bombshells", Cuddy viene sottoposta a test per scoprire se ha il cancro.
Quanto guadagnano i personaggi di Dottor House?
Considerando che ogni stagione durava sempre 22 episodi ciascuna in media, il suo guadagno arrivò a quasi 16 milioni di dollari a stagione.
Quanto guadagna Dottor House a puntata?
L'ultimo contratto siglato con la Fox prevede infatti che l'attore riceva un compenso di 400 mila dollari a episodio, quindi più o meno nove milioni di dollari per ogni stagione.
Who is Dr Lisa Cuddy on house?
- Dr. Lisa Cuddy was a major character on House for the first seven seasons. She was the Dean of Medicine and Chief Hospital Administrator of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospitalfrom Season 1to Season 7. She was the direct superior of both Dr. Houseand Dr. Wilson.
Who is Dr Cuddy on 'Grey's Anatomy'?
- She is portrayed by Lisa Edelstein. Cuddy was the Dean of Medicine of the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey. Cuddy quit her job after the events of season seven's finale " Moving On ".
What happened to Cuddy in House MD Season 8?
- Naturally, he takes this poorly and in the finale, he drives his car through her dining room. House MD season 8 opening episode reveals House was sent to prison for this act, and Cuddy resigned from her position and moved on.
What's the deal with Dr House?
- House is basically the Sherlock Holmes of medicine and can diagnose even the most obscure of diseases and ailments. The problem is he's also addicted to pain medication and is a misanthrope who only works on cases that interest him or present a challenge.