Come si diagnostica una cardiopatia ischemica?
Come si diagnostica una cardiopatia ischemica?
Gli esami per diagnosticarla: la coronarografia Esistono diverse opzioni per diagnosticare la presenza di una cardiopatia ischemica: Test da sforzo, Scintigrafia miocardica, Ecocardiogramma, Angio TC coronarica e Coronarografia.
What are symptoms of cardiac ischemia?
- Symptoms of heart ischemia, or ischemic cardiomyopathy , include shortness of breath, extreme tiredness or fatigue, fainting, lightheadedness, dizziness, pain and pressure in the chest, weight gain, heart palpitations, edema in the abdomen or feet and legs, sleeping difficulties and cough and congestion...
What is the prognosis for ischemia?
- If ischemia is severe or lasts too long, it can cause a heart attack (myocardial infarction) and can lead to heart tissue death. In most cases, a temporary blood shortage to the heart causes the pain of angina pectoris. But in other cases, there is no pain. These cases are called silent ischemia.
How does ischemia affect the heart?
- How does ischemia affect the heart? Ischemia, or oxygen deprivation, can affect the heart's ability to pump blood, interrupt its normal pumping rhythm, or even cause a heart attack. A partial or temporary interruption in blood supply, causing mild ischemia, injures the heart muscle and can produce angina (chest pain).
What are the different types of ischemia?
- Types of cerebral ischemia. Focal cerebral ischemia: This is when a blood clot has blocked a cerebral vessel,with blood flow being reduced to a particular brain region,increasing the ...
- Symptoms of cerebral ischemia. ...
- Cerebral ischemia complications
- Cerebral ischemia treatment and prevention. ...