Come funziona il tibolone?


Come funziona il tibolone?

Come funziona il tibolone?

Meccanismo d'azione LIVIAL ® - Tibolone Tra questi il metabolita dotato di attività estrogenica sembra essere quello responsabile delle capacità terapeutiche interagendo selettivamente con i recettori estrogenici presenti al livello tessutale e mimando l'azione degli ormoni endogenim, carenti durante la menopausa.

Come capire se ci sono squilibri ormonali?

Sintomi e segni principali di squilibrio ormonale

  1. Irregolarità del ciclo mestruale. ...
  2. Acne. ...
  3. Confusione mentale e concentrazione. ...
  4. Equilibrio ormonale e problemi intestinali. ...
  5. Affaticamento e stanchezza. ...
  6. Sbalzi d'umore e ciclo mestruale. ...
  7. Mal di testa. ...
  8. Libido e desiderio sessuale.

What does tibolone do to the female body?

  • About tibolone. Tibolone works by mimicking the activity of the female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. It also has some male hormone (androgen) effects. Tibolone helps to restore the balance of female hormones in women who have a lack of oestrogen; it helps to ease symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats.

What is the difference between tibolone and metribolone?

  • Whereas tibolone itself has only about 6% of the affinity of metribolone for the androgen receptor, δ 4 -tibolone has relatively high affinity of about 35% of the affinity of metribolone for this receptor. At typical clinical dosages in women, the androgenic effects of tibolone are weak.

Is tibolone a progestogenic drug?

  • M... In this trial, tibolone, which has estrogenic, progestogenic, and androgenic effects, was compared with placebo in women between 60 and 85 who had osteoporosis or a vertebral fracture. Tibolone was...

How long does it take for tibolone to enter the body?

  • Rapid and complete. Rapidly converted in the GI tract and liver into 3 active metabolites (3α-OH-tibolone [estrogenic], 3β-OH-tibolone [estrogenic], and delta-4-isomer of tibolone [progestogenic/androgenic]). Feces (major route; as metabolites); urine (minor route; as metabolites). Tibolone and active metabolites: 1 to 2 hours.

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