Come è morto Jim Hutton?


Come è morto Jim Hutton?

Come è morto Jim Hutton?

tumore al fegato Ammalatosi di un tumore al fegato, Jim Hutton morì nel 1979, all'età di soli 45 anni.

In che data è morto Freddie Mercury?

24 novembre 1991 Freddie Mercury/Data di morte La sua scomparsa, esattamente il 24 novembre del 1991, acccese più che mai i riflettori sul dramma dell'Aids, la malattia che spense gradualmente Freddie come racconta il film Bohemian Rhapsody, il successo mondiale firmato da Byian Singer nel 2018 ed elogiato ieri sera dallo stesso Brian May.

Cosa è successo il 24 novembre 1991?

Freddie Mercury, il 24 novembre 1991 moriva il leader dei Queen: gli ultimi giorni di vita del cantante. Era il 24 novembre 1991 quando, il mondo intero, veniva a conoscenza della morte di Freddie Mercury, leader indimenticabile -ed indimenticato- dei Queen.

Who was Freddie Mercury's closest friend?

  • Freddie Mercury's death: Untold stories of star's final days revealed by longtime... - Smooth Peter Freestone speaks about the twelve years he spent as Freddie Mercury's close friend and assistant from 1980 to the star's death in November 1991.

Who was Freddie Mercury's ex girlfriend Mary Austin?

  • The statement was released to the world at 20.00 on Friday 22nd November," Peter recalls. It was Freddie's ex-girlfriend and lifelong confidante, Mary Austin (pictured) who eventually made the singer to speak to the doctor that diagnosed him, in late April 1987.

Who was Freddie Mercury's assistant at Live Aid?

  • Freddie Mercury performing with Queen at Live Aid At Wembley, 1985, five years after Peter became his personal assistant. Picture: Getty

What happened to Freddie Mercury after he left Queen?

  • After the conclusion of his work with Queen in June 1991, Mercury retired to his home in Kensington, west London. His former partner, Mary Austin, was a particular comfort in his final years, and in the last few weeks made regular visits to look after him.

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