Come capire se hai la fibromialgia?


Come capire se hai la fibromialgia?

Come capire se hai la fibromialgia?

I sintomi caratteristici della fibromialgia

  1. cefalea o emicrania.
  2. estrema sensibilità al tatto.
  3. disturbi della sfera affettiva.
  4. dolore facciale.
  5. sensazione di intorpidimento/formicolio.
  6. difficoltà nella concentrazione.
  7. ansia, depressione.
  8. lombalgia.

Chi ti diagnostica la fibromialgia?

Chi fa la diagnosi Non bisogna dimenticare, inoltre, che la sindrome fibromialgica può anche essere secondaria ad altre patologie sistemiche, quali malattie autoimmuni, endocrinologiche o oncologiche. Lo specialista di riferimento è il reumatologo, data la complessità del procedimento diagnostico.

What Doctor can diagnose fibromyalgia?

  • Your primary care physician. Primary care physicians can be your#1 ally in getting a fibromyalgia diagnosis. ...
  • Rheumatologist. After you’ve talked to your primary care physician,many patients will next visit a rheumatologist. ...
  • Pain specialist. ...
  • Neurologist. ...

How do doctors diagnose fibromyalgia?

  • Blood Tests. Although most laboratory tests are generally useless for diagnosing fibromyalgia,there is a blood test that has been developed to help with the diagnosis.
  • Inflammation Test. A blood test can also be conducted in order to test for levels of inflammation in the body. ...
  • Antibody Tests. ...
  • Neurological Tests. ...

How can fibromyalgia be diagnosed?

  • Fibromyalgia is often identified by a physical exam. People with fibromyalgia have a history of widespread pain with no evident cause that lasts three months or more. There may be multiple tender points on the patient's body that are identified by applying pressure to these spots.

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